Justine’s Fremantle Office Nook

In 2014, when it was time to jazz up our home after our year-long renovation, there was one element of my room that I was particularly eager for: my desk. Over the last seven years, my bedroom hasn’t simply been “my bedroom”. It’s been my study quarters and, more recently, my office space. Trying to find a balance between bedroom, office, storage and library hasn’t been easy over the years. It felt like every few days I was cleaning up the scatter across my desk or re-filing documents. No matter how many times I stored away books and journals, they always seemed to stack up and cop an elbow. But despite the frustration and the restorations I’ve endured, it’s still my little sanctuary.

I spent months debating which desk to buy. KALLAX had extra shelving space, a plus when you impulsively buy books and journals, but MALM had extra surface space. The latter was the winner, although as time has shown, the additional surface wasn’t enough. Recently I purchased a narrow and low TV unit, LACK, which I’ve been able to slot underneath my desk to home my printer, boxes of washi tape, decorative paper, notepads and stationary.

Up until this year I had the RASKOG trolley as a companion to my desk because I had cups full of rainbow biros, pens, highlighters, tabs, bullet clips and lackey bands. It took me a few years to realise that I hardly used any of it. The cups collected copious amounts of dust and the lackey bands we’re so dried out, they snapped instantly. So the trolley became my trusted bedside “table” and my rainbow stationary’s now hidden away. All that remains now are the essentials.

Every few months I found myself shifting key elements of my desk around. Fighting for space were the typewriter, my Macbook Pro, the in/out trays, the printer, the stack of books, manila folders, the light and the stationary tray (plus space to open and write in a notebook). After making a few big changes, I’ve got the most desk space I’ve had in years.

Firstly, I downsized my desk light to JANSJO, which has a small base and a long flexible neck so I can adjust the spotlight. Next I shifted my in/out strays from the right-hand corner of the main desk to the pull out panel, allowing me to have my essentials, like my planner, at arms reach. I started to stick to a no “stacking rule” with my books, which helped. But the biggest change was introducing the LACK unit. It allowed me to move my bulky printer from the main desk, which freed up the most space.

What I love most about my office nook is that my favourite things surround it. Candles and succulents clutter along my windowsill, my 1967 Imperial Good Companion typewriter sits happily in the corner, my inspiration board reminds me of memories, muses and goals, my favourite pens, markers and washi tapes are easy to reach and there’s enough room for my notepad, planner and daily to-do list. What more could I need?

I’ve spent a majority of my life hunched over desks that are hidden in the corners of rooms. While some people dread the idea of being stuck behind a desk, I love it. Having an office space anchors me. Its clean and clutter-free nature allows me to organise, devour knowledge and completely let myself go in a creative realm.



  1. September 25, 2017 / 2:17 am

    Good heavens your office space looks so beautiful. Absolutely gorgeous 🙂

    • September 25, 2017 / 10:11 pm

      Thank you! I’ve recently moved – still have a similar set up, but it’s still being organised and I don’t get as much natural light. Hopefully I can do another office tour soon! x

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