9 Ways to Celebrate Your Birthday Alone

9 Ways to Celebrate Your Birthday Alone | LIFE | Justine Spencer

Growing up we’re used to celebrating our birthdays with close friends and family. Surrounded by an abundance of presents, cake and company. But as we hit out 20s, we’ll probably find ourselves celebrating our special days by ourselves at some point. That doesn’t mean it has to be sob story. You know the kind where you’re having an existential crisis wondering why you’re still single, renting and in debt. If anything, solo birthdays are the perfect opportunity to have the best birthday yet. Here are a few ideas to get you started for planning your big day.

  1. Take yourself out to brunch

    One of the best and easiest ways to celebrate your birthday is to take yourself out to brunch. Maybe it’s an opportunity to try some place new or maybe you’ll stick to your regular spot. Either way, it’s the perfect way to start your special day!

  2. Catch a movie

    Earlier this year one of my colleagues went to see a movie by herself to celebrate her birthday. She got the idea from an acquaintance, who’d had the annual tradition of seeing a movie by themselves on their birthday. And as someone who’s enjoyed a fair few solo movie dates in her time, I can say it’s incredibly liberating and enjoyable. Plus there’s no one to disagree and complain about your movie choice!

  3. Or binge or your favourite flicks at home

    Even better, rather than treat yourself to one movie, enjoy all of your faves. You can do it in the comfort of your home with your best yoga pants and there’s no need to take out a mortgage to pay for popcorn. What. A. Dream.

  4. Bake your dream birthday cake

    What’s the best thing about birthdays? The birthday cake! If there’s a time to whip up that dream cake you’ve been eyeing off on Pinterest, it’s now. So get baking!

  5. Treat yourself to a spa date

    You don’t have to lash out and go to a fancy, full-on spa. Even a small pamper at home, painting your nails with a face mask, is a great way to celebrate your special day while also giving yourself some well deserved self-love.

  6. Take a trip away

    If you’ve got it in your budget, spend a bit of dosh and go somewhere new for a day or two. A little road trip to an unexplored destination will give you the best present ever: memories that will last a lifetime.

  7. Or explore your city

    You can still make epic memories on a budget. Take a train into the city, explore and just see where the day takes you. Who knows what might be in store?

  8. Write a letter to yourself for your next birthday

    Take some time to write a letter to yourself for your next birthday. Use it to write about your achievements from the past year and your goals for the future. Most importantly, don’t forget to write about all the incredible attributes you absolutely love about yourself!

  9. Keep in touch with friends and family

    If you’re like me with a lot of close friends and family miles away – take the time to Facetime or give them a call. I know it defeats the “be magnificently alone” part of this post. But even if you’re single and pretty much alone in a far away city – there are people who absolutely want to share this special day with you!


1 Comment

  1. April 15, 2020 / 5:23 pm

    Amazing article, Thanks for sharing!

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